Rotary Tablet Press Machine ZP420-31D

Introduction and Features

  1. Shanghai HERUNoffers a comprehensive range of machines for pharmaceuticals and allied applications, with special emphasis on R&D equipments.
  2. “ZP SeriesROTARY TABLET PRESS” is a versatile machine in the range of This manual, giving exhaustive information on operation and maintenance of this machine, is intended for the operator as well as maintenance staff, to enable them to obtain long and trouble free service throughout its use. To derive maximum benefits out of this machine, it is expected to adhere the instructions given in this manual.
  3. Details of the machine regarding technical specifications, instruction for installation, operation, lubrication,adjustments, special design are elaborated at Lubrication, which is very vital for extended life of the machine, may please be observed as per the instructions given.
  4. In case of any doubt or clarification, we WOULD BE PLEASED TO OFFER OUR BEST SERVICES ALL THE TIME.

Main Technical Parameters

Machine Model ZP420-31D
No. of stations31 Station
Type of ToolingZP
Production Capacity (pc/h)111600
Turret RPM (Mini. /Max.)0-30
Max. Pressure (KN)100
Maximum Dia of Tablet(mm)22
Maximum Depth of filling(mm)15
Dia. of upper punch(mm)115
Dia. of lower punch(mm)115
Dia. of central die(mm)34
Motor Power4-6KW
Overall Dimensions (mm)1240*850*1850
Net Weight (kg)1950
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Gure produktuei edo prezioen zerrendari buruzko kontsultak egiteko, mesedez, utzi gure esku eta barruan jarriko gara harremanetan 24 orduak.


Joan Goikora
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